Since today is the first day of Autumn I thought I better do some catching up and give a little recap of summer!
Summer started off with a couple of birthdays and birthday parties~
Avery's 9th Backyard Cookout! |
Aubrey's Backyard Bash! |
The same weekend of Avery's birthday party was Youth Conference. That took away Jake and Aubrey for the weekend but it added 7-17 yr old boys to the house! Nate was a chaperon so the 7 boys came with that duty.
Following that Avery and I spent an exciting and exhausting week at cub camp. They shot bb guns, learned some archery and shot off some bottle rockets. Avery absolutely LOVES being in cub scouts.
cousins at camp |
At the end of June we headed to Utah for a Lytle reunion. All five boys met at Dad Lytle's house in American Fork for a fun filled week. The last time we were ALL together was 8 years ago! During that week we had a baptism and ordination, a baby was born and we attempted a family pic. It was so fun to watch the cousins getting to know each other. Bonds were formed and memories were made. We will not let another 9 years go by before doing it again!
hanging out in Deseret book |
backyard dangerous tramp jumping |
a day spent downtown |
Williams baptism and Emmett's ordination |
family pic time |
Bridal Veil hike |
sweet baby Jude |
future mamas |
After Utah we came home to get Jake packed and ready to head for a camping/fishing trip in Mammoth. At the same time I started gathering what the girls and I would need for our week at girls camp! Both were very successful and fun.
Jake and ward boys at Mammoth |
Stake Girls Camp |
My beautiful tent...thanks to a friend |
The day we arrived home from girls camp we packed Jake up again.....this time it was to head back up to Utah for EFY. This kid spent more time away from home this summer then home.
LAX to SLC |
To end the summer we did one last quick weekend down at Embassy Suites, Mandalay bay in Ventura, CA. We went with my family to celebrate both my parents birthdays! What a great but super busy summer it was!
Mandalay Bay bikes |
our awesome room with a view |
Grandpa's 69th! |
I guess I should throw in there that we only missed one, yes one Tuesday beach day!
Love ward beach day |
My mom and Auntie Rita on a beautiful day! |
Well, that brings us to present day! We have started school and seminary.....
Avery is in 4th, Jane in 8th, Aubrey 10th and Jake is a SENIOR!! Yikes, where has time gone.
Jake has also started his first "real" job working at Sport Chalet right here in town. Most of you know of his obsession with shoes and one day starting his own company. This job is right up his ally. He is working the shoe department and loving every minute of it. We are proud.
Phew....I think I am all caught up!