Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sewing can be so fun.....

well, at least my girls think so! I am not a fan. Due to that my girls had a day with an amazing and talented friend in my ward. After deciding what each of them wanted to make she took them to Joanns to get the supplies. They spent one evening and then most of the next day sewing away. She taught them so much and they had tons of fun! Aubrey made a dress for her cousin and Jane made a cute bag. Thank you Laurie for being so excited and willing to make this fun memory with my girls!


Sue said...

How fun! Looks like they are turning into quite the seamstresses!

Lytles said...

Soooooo Cute! Very talented girls!

Julie K said...

Okay, I TOTALLY remember you not really being in to sewing at YW's. I also remember Heather running around the church, chasing any boy to be had. I was the nerd enjoying every minute of the pajamas we were sewing. I am still that nerd! Just started Sid's Mad Hatter costume last week.....

What adorable things your girls made!

Julie K said...

Oh, I forgot--I keep meaning to ask how far away you are from San Miguel st (or drive, or whatever). My best friend from high school is renting a house on that street and her kids will be going to Wildwood. Just wondering if you guys are close.

Carrie said...

Wasn't Heather ALWAYS chasing a boy to be had! Yes, your friend will be right down the street! How fun! I think you have my info so make sure you give it to her if she needs anything!